I absolutely love Vogue's 'Today I'm Wearing' blog section. Especially as April's girl is going to be Alison Mosshart! The Kills front woman is amazing and has been for years.
Vogue being Vogue they always have their pick of the best girls and this month is going to be the best.
Plus i've always wanted Alison's haircut!
I can't believe it's Friday again! This weekend I won't be doing much as I'm still penniless until pay day but I will however be going out tonight with my bestest for a dance and a few cheeky drinks! This will be what we'll be listening/dancing to:
So one of my favourites, Friendly Fires will be releasing their second album, Pala in May (read more here). I actually can't wait for this! Especially on sunny days like this! Here's a few of my favourite songs.....will definitely get you in the summer/festival mood!
I'm completely in love with the relaxed tailoring look that's going on at the moment. I've always been a big fan of blazers and pussybow blouses, but this year the androgynous look is going to new levels and I love the girly tailored twist.
Happy Friday everyone! This weekend I'm going to my friend Rob's wedding. I'm very excited. He and his wife to be, Ali have been together since day one at university (5 years ago) and they are getting married tomorrow. Also very excited as i'll be seeing lots of uni pals who I haven't seen for a while. So....normally my friday playlist would consist of songs i'll be listening to this weekend, but as I'm likely to be hearing YMCA, My Heart Will Go On and other such crap I have done another type of playlist today.
I noticed this morning whilst flicking through my IPod that I have 6 (!!) songs titled 'Heartbreak(er)' on my IPod, I'm not too sure what this says about myself but hey-ho. So in tribute here they are...
So as I was driving into work today I had my IPod on shuffle and it was churning out the tunes (as always) then this little gem came on and I forgot how much I love this band! Definitely recommended.
So my style crush at the moment has to be Edie Campbell. I love her look so much. Her style is edgy yet with a girly twist. I love how she mix-matches styles, patterns and textures!
So this weekend is going to be a bit chilled out. What with last weekend being slightly messy and going to my friends Rob and Ali's wedding next weekend I've decided to do next to nothing.
Might have a spring clean. Think it's about time I sorted through and had another Ebay sale.
Anyway, here's what i'll be listening to this weekend!